October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and according to the American Cancer Society about 234,580 new breast cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2013 in both men and women. The percentage is overwhelming for women at 232,340. Despite the fact that many women consider their breasts as one of the most prominent identifiers of their femininity, fewer than 1 in 4 women opt for reconstruction surgery immediately after having a mastectomy to treat breast cancer despite psychological and cosmetic benefits. Mastectomy survivors who chose this option may often go without a bra but have very limited options when choosing lingerie because of the concerns associated with prosthesis support. Those options are further limited when searching for lingerie that is not only functional but sexy.
Women’s Secret, Spain’s popular lingerie company has teamed up with Barcelona’s based Health Care Clinic Dexeus Women’s Health to create a lingerie line specifically for women who have gone through breast cancer surgery.
The “Special Post-Surgery Bra Collection” features a lining that fits a silicone prosthesis (used before the breast is reconstructed), and wider straps to better support the weight of the breast and the prosthesis. They use soft fabrics and seamless edges that protect the area around the armpit and breast area, which could be tender following surgery or radiotherapy. Women’s Secret is not available yet in the US but you can shop for alternative options at online stores like Royce Lingerie and The Pink Bra.
It is important to remember that a cancer diagnosis is not necessarily a death sentence. The National Cancer Institute estimates that approximately 13.7 million Americans with a history of cancer were alive on January 1, 2012. Some of these individuals were cancer free, while others still had evidence of cancer and may have been undergoing treatment.
Although you may feel that sexy lingerie is such a unimportant thing to consider after diagnosis, mastectomy survivors often seek the feeling of normalcy after going through such a horrific ordeal. Shopping for and wearing sexy lingerie to adorn new curves can be a step toward reclaiming and embracing the new life that lies ahead.
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